I have seen several postings regarding complex filters but have a problem that perhaps takes it one step further.
I have a document that has all of the data on one report(tab). I would like additional reports (tabs) that look exactly the same, but are filtered for one value of a particular column. The hard part is that the filter needs to be dynamic - i.e. based on values that a user happens to bring back in his report. The user is not prompted for the values in the column I need to filter. The values that are displayed depend on other prompt responses.
For example:
The first tab has data for all regions that the user selected and all districts that apply to those regions. The next tab needs to have data only for the first district, the second tab for the second district, etc. The number of tabs will vary because the number of districts returned varies, but it is OK to have tabs with empty tables.
Of course, what would really be great is if the tab names could be dynamic to match the filters!!
Our environment is BO 5.0 and WebI 2.51 and usually Oracle tables for the database (developing in full-client but viewing reports with WebI).
Regards, Linda Caron
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)