Drill toolbar from BusinessObjects 5.1.7 to WebI


i created a report having drill toolbar for some columns

and i published that report in infoview

when i open it in infoview iam not able to see the drill toolbar

is it possible to make the users to see the drill toolbar and download the report after drilling in excel format

eswarsvr (BOB member since 2007-11-25)

let me understand the question. You created a report in Full Client and had the Drill functionality and now you want the same when the report is published to web. This is actually possible. Just check the user rights if he has the drill functionality.

bobjkb :india: (BOB member since 2004-03-19)


I have a Full client report with drill functionality and i publish it to corporate documents.

In Infoview i was not able to find the drill bar.

As far as i know only webi reports can be drill down in infoview.

And full client or deski reports with Drill functionality works on the Deski application and doesnot work in Infoview.

Please let me know if i am wrong

DWH (BOB member since 2006-04-25)

Hi Friends

Ya i got drill funcionality in full client report and when i publish it infoview

iam not able to see the drill funcionality in infoview whn i open it in infoview

my question is it possible to see the drill toolbar of BO report when i open it in infoview

Iam using BO 5.1.7

eswarsvr (BOB member since 2007-11-25)

Drill filters in full-client report (of BO 5.x, 6.x) simply don’t work (better said are not shown) when the report is displayed in Infoview.

That’s just the fact that you need to take into account.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)


Thanks for your reply,so what is the possible way to me so that users can use the drill function and download the report in excel

Should i create a report in WebI and publish ?

Is it possible to convert fullclient report in WebI report?

thanks and regards

eswarsvr (BOB member since 2007-11-25)

I think there is no way how to convert full-client report to WebI report in BO 5.1.7 or at least I have not heard of such a way.

So I think your only chance is to recreate the report in WebI.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)