Drill and then link to new report

Hi Gurus,

I have two issues here:-
First is I have a report which has a heirarchy so when the user drills to the lowest level then there should be alink on the measure to go to detail report, but this should not happen if he does not drill through to the lowest level in the hierarchy.

Secondly, from that lowest measure in the hierarchy , I need to call another report which requires five prompts and each based on which measure the user clicks.

I dont know weather the questions explain but to give you the linking code , this is what I am using :-

="<a href="+"http://server/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?&amp;iDocID=13009&amp;sDocName=GL Account Details Combined2&amp;sType=wid&amp;lsSAcctUnit:="+Min([Monthly Sales].[Acct Unit])+"&amp;lsSAccount:="+Min([Monthly Sales].[Account])+"&amp;lsSSubAccount:="+Min([Monthly Sales].[Sub Account])+"&amp;lsSFiscalYr:="+Min([Monthly Sales].[Fiscal Yr])+"&amp;lsSAcctPeriod:="+Min([Monthly Sales].[Acct Period])+"&amp;lsSNewMitsId-Num:="+Min([Monthly Sales].[New Mits Id-Num])+"</a>"

The reason I have to use Min value is currently I am not able to have a link only after the drill as a result the I am getting the Multi Value error , to avoid that I am using min, but I am still not able to pass the values.
Let me know if something in this above code needs a change.
If the answer of my first question is there , then I guess the Min can be removed.

Anyhelp would be useful if anyone had similar situation where a detail report was based off after a drill in the summary report do let me know what you did.

Best Regards,

Tanuja (BOB member since 2007-10-17)