Dont see an object added to unv in Webi report

Hi folks,

I am having couple of problems and probably they are very small problems.

  1. I created a report in webi. Later I added an object to the universe. I dont see that object in that report, unlike full client where you can see the changes made to the universe. Is there an option that I am missing somewhere?

  2. I am trying to diaplay “Total Claims : $2341.23” in a cell. It wont take the $ sign. What is the escape character used in webi to tell the complier that it is not a variable? I tried / and , but did not work.



Kashif Saeed :pakistan: (BOB member since 2004-06-02)

  1. Did you export the universe after you made the changes?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Hi Andreas,

Yes i did. I also deleted the cached copy from the server to made it import a new copy. When I open the universe in Java Web panel to create a new report I see those changes; but when I open the report created prior to those changes, I dont see the object(s) added.


Kashif Saeed :pakistan: (BOB member since 2004-06-02)