UNIVERSAL TIME means a time base that is co-ordinated on a longitude (imaginary line from North to South Pole) and referred to by people anywhere in the Universe. The time base can be in any format, Gregorian time base (hours/minutes) and Metric time base (units in base 1,000). The most common is Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) it is a Gregorian time base, co-ordinated on the prime meridian (Greenwich, UK).
Since we now have a datum to which we can refer to, its easy to know the time at any place. That could be the reason why BO has adopted to do that. Anyway… no such thing appears on the front-end. It is automatically converted to standard date format for the users.
To have a unique time is exactly the reason for it.
BTW: all this is documented in the repository description which comes with the CD in folder “shareware”:
Last Action Date
Date of the last modification (see Last Action Type). The unit is elapsed seconds since the 15th of December 1970 at midnight.
This description refers to the “Last Action Date” stored in OBJ_X_DOCUMENTS.
hope this helps.
“Mirji, Ashish (CRD)” wrote:
UNIVERSAL TIME means a time base that is co-ordinated on a longitude (imaginary line from North to South Pole) and referred to by people anywhere in the Universe. The time base can be in any format, Gregorian time base (hours/minutes) and Metric time base (units in base 1,000). The most common is Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) it is a Gregorian time base, co-ordinated on the prime meridian (Greenwich, UK).
Since we now have a datum to which we can refer to, its easy to know the time at any place. That could be the reason why BO has adopted to do that. Anyway… no such thing appears on the front-end. It is automatically converted to standard date format for the users.
DI Walter Muellner
Delphi Software GmbH, Vivenotgasse 48, A-1120 Vienna / Austria Tel: +43-1-8151456-12, Fax: +43-1-8151456-21 e-mail: w.muellner@delphi.at, WEB: http://www.delphi.at