BusinessObjects Board

Document a universe using Excel and the Designer SDK

Hi Mond,

I do have BO XIR3.1 client installation on my machine but I still get the same error. Any idea?.

Thanks in adv.

suntra (BOB member since 2003-02-06)

Hi Suntra,

First Enable Security Warning to accept the Macro.

Click on “Document a Universe” and it brings up the BO Designer, input the values and browse through the Universe wish to document.

Even though if it throw an error, click multiple times and you will get the details filled in each of the sheet.

Note: check for the macro : Tools > References > Enable the BO 3.1 version.

Thank you

Mond (BOB member since 2006-07-31)

Nice catch! Other discussions have pointed to the 1,024 character cell limit, but since it has never impacted me I had not researched the exact reason. Thanks for the research, and a simple solution.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

If you included the SDK as part of your client installation, it should be a simple matter of going into the Tools, References dialog box (from the VB Editor), de-selecting the library that is labeled misssing, and then selecting its XI 3.x counterpart from the list … BusinessObjects Designer 12.0 Object Library.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Good Morning Folks,
I am in the process of making Data Dictionary based on the existing universe. The excel sheet document has really been helpful to me. The only enhancement I would love to have is to show object universe with their corrsponding table columns. I do not need the select and case statement that comes with coding for object.

So for example:

If universe object is “state ind” and my universe code is "case when state.state_abbreviation = “MN” then 1 else 0 end "…

Here i just want to see :

state_ind => state.state_aabreviation (in the object tab of the sheet)

kurt (BOB member since 2006-11-06)

Hi kurt,

there is a tool (very similar to Dwaynes one), which has the functionality to report the data lineage.

You can find a brief example here >>
The sheet ‘dependents_eFashion’ contains the lineage analysis for the universe eFashion. For all objects the used tables and columns will be shown. Additionally the objects containing @functions have a reference pointing to the origin objects.

the bob site for the tool >>

André Lützkendorf :de: (BOB member since 2009-09-28)

Thank oyu so much for your input. I cannot see the “load Universe” option in the excel sheet. I have enabled the macros.

kurt (BOB member since 2006-11-06)

Hi Kurt. Please use the topic below to post your questions. thanks

André Lützkendorf :de: (BOB member since 2009-09-28)

RNola, it sounds like you are working on a universe comparison tool. How did it work out? Are you willing to share it? I am currently working on the same, but it’s always nice not to have to reinvent a wheel.

In case I do have to finish my own, and for my own edification, can you (or someone) point me to the API documentation? I’m currently trying to figure out how where in the property structure to find the ID’s, such as ObjectID, etc. Thanks.

JohnBrooking (BOB member since 2009-12-22)

Answered my own question; SDK is here. However, having to sort things by ID for comparison seems to be more work than simply running Dwayne’s original code (with the addition of getting the ID) and pulling that into a database for querying, so I’ve decided to go that route instead. I’m not as much of a VBA programmer as I used to be.

But any other advice on comparing universes is still appreciated.

JohnBrooking (BOB member since 2009-12-22)

I am getting an issue saying Can’t find project or library. When I try going to the tools menu the references option is greyed out… any ideas?

jshaffe (BOB member since 2008-09-19)


What abt for Bo Xi 3.1 …its not working there

pramod_ps123 (BOB member since 2010-07-21)


I just found this forum when trying to search exporting BO universe into an Excel. The Excel Macro works perfetly for R2 universes. Is there a R3 version available? I need to export my R3 universes to Excel. Thank you so much for your help!


vshan (BOB member since 2010-07-21)


When attempting to run the macro I’m getting the following error:

“Compile Error: User-defined type not defined” and Sub ListTables(Tbls As Designer.Tables) gets highlighted in the Module1

Please help!!!


anuragrathor (BOB member since 2010-10-02)

All Interested, i had this same error and figure out the solution

Failure in ListObjects()
VBAProject- -2147417851: Automation error
The server threw an exception.

The Errors received are not to do with the VBA, but stem from the default range being restrictive within the objects sheets, meaning an error is returned if large universes are pulled which do not fit. Simply delete the rows e.g. a2;a65536 within the affected sheets. the VBA will then allow the new segment size to fill the abundant space.

i know its an older post, but this is still worthwhile for those searching for this excellent tool, and stumbling during its use.


pyperg (BOB member since 2008-12-31)


It’s very important document. It’s very help to create a universe documents

Anis_gul :pakistan: (BOB member since 2010-03-05)

Works perfectly. Thank you. :yesnod:

dopple :uk: (BOB member since 2009-06-19)

Just to add, I have amended this to populate the control tab with the metadata from the parameters window (universe name, date created etc).

Note: You will have to move the command button to the other side of the worksheet.

Add this into the module

Sub ListMetaData(Author As String, Comments As String, Connection As String, CreationDate As String, _
                    CurrentOwner As String, Description As String, FullName As String, _
                    ModificationDate As String, Modifier As String, Name As String, _
                    Params As Designer.Parameters)
    Dim Rng As Excel.Range
    Dim RowNum As Long
    Dim Param As Designer.Parameter

    Application.StatusBar = "Documenting Metadata..."
    Set Rng = Sheets("Control Sheet").Cells
    RowNum = 5
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Universe Name"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = Name
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Description"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = Description
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Connection"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = Connection
    RowNum = RowNum + 1

    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Created By"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = Author
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Created On"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = CreationDate
    Rng(RowNum, 2).NumberFormat = "[$-809]dd mmmm yyyy;@"
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Local Path"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = FullName
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Current Owner"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = CurrentOwner
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Modified By"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = Modifier
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Modified On"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = ModificationDate
    Rng(RowNum, 2).NumberFormat = "[$-809]dd mmmm yyyy;@"
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "Comments"
    Rng(RowNum, 2) = Comments
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    Rng(RowNum, 1) = "PARAMETERS"
    RowNum = RowNum + 1
    For Each Param In Params
        RowNum = RowNum + 1
        Rng(RowNum, 1) = Param.Name
        Rng(RowNum, 2) = Param.Value
    Next Param

    Set Param = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Source & " - " & Err.Number & ":  " & Err.Description, _
        vbCritical, "Failure in ListMetaData()"
    Resume CleanUp
End Sub

And then add this line into the DocumentUniverse() subroutine where the rest of the list procedures are being called.

    Call ListMetaData(Univ.Author, Univ.Comments, Univ.Connection, Univ.CreationDate, _
                        Univ.CurrentOwner, Univ.Description, Univ.FullName, Univ.ModificationDate, _
                        Univ.Modifier, Univ.Name, Univ.Parameters)

dopple :uk: (BOB member since 2009-06-19)

This is excellent, i was getting around to this and you’ve beaten me to it.

Many thanks!

This really does complete the picture

One extra thing i did include in the Documents Objects detail sheet was the qualification, ie. Dimension/Measure/Detail.

i just added this into the VBA;

Rng(RowNum, 21) = Replace(Replace(Replace(Obj.Qualification, 1, “Dimension”), 3, “Measure”), 2, “Detail”)

Hope it helps

One Question; do you know if the “Revision” can be added to this Universe Perameters meta data??


pyperg (BOB member since 2008-12-31)

I am running XI R3 and after I select the universe file I get a popup that says “Designer” and in the box: yyyymmddhhmmss. Can’t get it to run.

2spots :us: (BOB member since 2008-07-29)