Display in Crystal Report

Hi Good Day, can somebody help me with my problem

Row data

Batch Date InvcNumber PO# QtyTotal
0001 02/05/2020 12345 1357 2
0001 02/05/2020 12345 1357 2

I want to be displayed repeatedly based on the sum of qty total but when I tried group by Qtytotal it displayed but repeated it on how many rows is
this how it looks like:

PO# : 1357
InvcNumber : 12345
Date : 02/05/2020

PO# : 1357
InvcNumber : 12345
Date : 02/05/2020

how do I make repeat to display it based on sum of qtytotal not on how many rows.

PO# : 1357
InvcNumber : 12345
Date : 02/05/2020

PO# : 1357
InvcNumber : 12345
Date : 02/05/2020

PO# : 1357
InvcNumber : 12345
Date : 02/05/2020

PO# : 1357
InvcNumber : 12345
Date : 02/05/2020

Hope somebody help me

thanks in advance

Note: I’m using Crystal Reports 2008

ayceejay18 (BOB member since 2020-02-05)

[Moderator Note: Moved from General Discussion to Building Reports -> Crystal Reports]

And welcome to B:bob:B!

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

What would be the maximum Qty Total at any given time? Is there any limit?

anil.ganga1 :us: (BOB member since 2007-07-04)

is the data in details section or GH/GF?
if its in details, the data will repeat for each of the line in DB.
move the information to GH or GF to see it only once for each group

kondapally (BOB member since 2020-02-13)