Disappearing sort?

I have a sort on a month value (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc…) and I have it set as a “Month Sort” under custom sorts. But each new quarter the sort gets screwed up… what am I missing?

MBradbourne :us: (BOB member since 2003-08-28)

Hi there,

when you say each new qtr the sort gets messed up, do you mean that
you have the months with a section and the sort fails?

Or is it occurring when additional data is brought into the report etc?

Reporter Bloke :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-20)


Last quarter is was:


then, this week when we got the new quarters’ data is flipped and became:


MBradbourne :us: (BOB member since 2003-08-28)

Sounds odd.

When you sort the data are you doing a custom one and picking Month as the sort type? Or are you just sorting ascending/descending? Are there any other sorts on the table?

Paul Williams :uk: (BOB member since 2002-07-10)

I’ve done it both ways (this has been going on for a while)

There are other sorts on the data, they are very particular about the way the reports shoud look and unfortunatly nothing falls under the “default” sort that the data comes in as…

MBradbourne :us: (BOB member since 2003-08-28)

Try creating a variable

If <Month> = "Jan" Then "AJan" Else If <Month> = "Feb" Then "BFeb" Else If <Month> = "Mar" Then "CMar" ..... Else if <Month> = "Dec" Then "LDec" 

Apply sort on this variable and hide it.

mkumar (BOB member since 2002-08-26)

What version of BO are you running? I’m on 6.1.a and I’m also finding that my custom sorts are not functioning. When I refresh, the sort is alpha again. Wondering if it’s a bug?


Kendy (BOB member since 2003-08-27)

I’m having the same problem in 6.1b. I have a column returning the character values “July” “August” “September” and “October”, but I can’t get the custom sort to sort them by month. September in particular won’t sort in the correct order - it keeps popping to the top of the list.

Any ideas? I’ve even tried inserting a new table on a new tab with just the Month object and performing a custom sort on that – still won’t work.

sunspot :us: (BOB member since 2003-03-12)

I found this problem when my Refresh on Open is enabled. There is a bug: 302506312 for full client. I had to create a workaround - several in fact because I kept running into other bugs. Finally, I created a new field in the dim with the applicable sort order A-Z and pulled that object into my query. I then added the field to my table, sorted on it, and hid it. Yuck, huh? So many bugs in 6.1.a…


Kendy (BOB member since 2003-08-27)