I have had some users who for no apparent reason are being “disabled” in BO4.1.3. They swear to me that they log in fine one day, and the next day they can not.
Supervisor, of course, tells me nothing. The user simply has the check box “Disable Login” checked on. I clear it and the user has no problem.
I can look at the database and see something unusual going on, though. The OBJ_M_ACTOR record for this user has an M_ACTOR_N_ENDING value of 6810004. This was zero when we created the user; why has its value changed and what does its new value mean? The BO tech web site lists the following possible values for ENDING:
0 Password never expire
1 Change password at next login
800,000,000 Password expiration date
A value of 6,810,004 is undefined, then.
Also, the ACTOR record has an M_ACTOR_N_STATUS value of 136. Normally this is 9 when our users are created. This field can have the following values, in any combination:
So our users normally have BOSAS_CANNOTCHANGEPWD (8) + BOSAS_ENABLED (1). Why has this value changed to 136 (which would appear to be 128 + 8 – but no definition is given for a value beyond 64)?
By the way, when I clear the Disabled Login check box in Supervisor, both STATUS and ENDING return to their correct values (9 and 0, respectively).
What’s going on here?
Erich Hurst
IQDC Systems Analyst
Compaq Computer Corporation
- (281) 514-9445
- Erich.Hurst@Compaq.com
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