I am now involved in a migration of roughly 300 DeskI reports from the BO 5.1.8 system to BI 4.2 version
I saw BO 5.1.8 for the last time probably around 2003
We are now only in the preparation phase, working on a proposal for an internal customer that has this ancient BO version. But yes, the plan is to convert all their DeskI reports to WebI format.
The DCP was simply a way to get a DeskI XI3 client to connect to a BI4 server. So it’s really the XI3 client software that you’re using. If you have the DeskI XI3 software installed, then I think you can open a 6.5.1 .rep document (as long as the universe is available).
Are you actually planning to have users use this configuration, or it just a way to get the reports converted to WebI?
I seem to remember that the DCP was discontinued in BI4.2, but I haven’t been able to find anything specific.