BusinessObjects Board

digital clock

i downloaded an xlf file on digital clock…i wanted to know the concept behind it…can any please help…:-
1.LABEL-linked to a cell(C2) having formula:=IF(C4>0,NOW(),NOW())
2.PlaySelector- having source as cell C3…C3 has formula as C4+1.
…C4 is empty

Play Selector------source…C3…destination…C4…

I dont understand the use of play selector here…but without it the clock doesnt work…


JOY1991 (BOB member since 2013-05-15)

I’m intrigued. I’m assuming it’s just constantly changing the value in C4, which forces a recalculation of the formula in C2 and therefore keeps the time current. Without it, the formula in C2 would only calculate once and then be static.

Very clever! Might have to re-use that.


Debbie :uk: (BOB member since 2005-03-01)

Play selectors are the only component that will maniuplate a single cell without User interaction.

They are useful to trigger changes in the SWF over time. I use them to create “Loading Screens” for all my dashboards.

Often they are hidden from view, as Play Selectors can be config’d to AutoPlay when the SWF file opens. Even if hidden, they still need to be on the canvas…even if behind a rectangle or some other component.

The key to understanding the clock XLF is to look at the settings on the Play selector iteself and study the properties, especially the behavior tab, and the destination cell.

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)

Yep I’ve used it on our supply chain dashboard.

I setup a scale with a minimum limit of 1 and maximum limit of 60. I then have the data from the play selector output to a field that is monitored by the formula (in this case cell C4)

The play selector has a play time of 60 seconds with auto play, auto rewind and auto replay checked.

Then a formula in C5 evaluates cell C4.

Cell C5 can be formatted in whatever date/time format you want. I don’t show seconds as I find it distracts the user.

Since the value in C4 is always greater than 0 and a new value is populated every second it forces the formula in C5 to be evaluated every second.

The play selector needs to be hidden behind other objects on your canvas, as using dynamically visibility stops the play selector from running.

Hope this helps.

Ozzy_BOBJ :australia: (BOB member since 2013-03-20)

Thanx for the replies… :slight_smile:

So the play selector is running in a sort of infinite loop…everytime the formula returns >0…and so everytime the new time is being displayed with a difference of 1 second…and the rest are play selector options itself…autoplay,rewind etc…causing the continuous loop…

Is there any formula which returns the “server” time and date instead of “system” time and date.
=NOW() retuens system time and date…

any help will be great!!


JOY1991 (BOB member since 2013-05-15)

Yep that essentially what I do with my play selector.

As to your question on server time. Presumably you’re wanting to do this because you have an international audience? I’m just trying to fathom why you would want the server time.

The only thing I can think of, and it’s a real hack, is to return the server time in your query set, and then deduct that from now() to determine the offset (say +8 hours for GMT to WAST)

Then use your orginal formula but add/deduct the 8 hours from now() as part of the formula to arrive at server time.

Ozzy_BOBJ :australia: (BOB member since 2013-03-20)

Thanx for the reply…

That is what i have implemented…and yes the target audience is international…add/deduct hours work…i was curious wheather there is any excel function which directly returns the server time…and is there any formula/concept of last refresh time(which returns the last time user refreshed it) as in case of webi reports where we get it…

Thanx anyways…cheers


JOY1991 (BOB member since 2013-05-15)

If you’re using a QaaWS connection to retreive then you have some extra metadata about your query. You can have the status of the query execution (Loading or Idle as standard but can be changed) output to a field in your excel model.

Lets say that goes into cell A1, then you could have a formula that looks something like this:
=if(A1=“Idle”, Now(),"")

Since idle only occurs when the query has finished and the formula would return now at the point it transitioned to idle, you would have the exact time the query finished and it would only refresh when the query refreshed again.

I think query builder also include this metadata but I dont use it for other reasons.

Ozzy_BOBJ :australia: (BOB member since 2013-03-20)

And as it happens, I’m just about to set up a “whiteboard” dashboard which will need a clock on it…

Never used play component before, so this thread has been very useful!


Debbie :uk: (BOB member since 2005-03-01)

No, Excel cant derive the database server time, but your web service can.

Yes, you can fetch the last refresh time of a webi…

For the steps to do these things…we need to know your connector (qwaas, biservice, xml) etc.

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)

How about an analogue version here:

cdavies :uk: (BOB member since 2005-01-28)