This is very strange but i have no clue whats wrong. I have a user defined as Supervisor-Designer in a group. Things were working fine before the user was defined in some other groups. Now he cant edit any report. When he creates a report in full client, it comes up like a Html page abd cant be edited. All other options in the menu are greyed out as well.
I am on 6.1a. I tried all these things but nothing worked.
I took the user out from other groups.
Ran a Scan, Compact and repair on the security domain.
Made sure all the settings are defined properly.
Any suggestions? If it doesnt work out what can be a workaround ( like deleting and creating a new user or something)
Here are the things that come to mind. Some you’ve already listed, but may want to double check:[list]1. Be sure the user is not in multiple groups with conflicting settings.
2. Verify the settings up and down the group hierarchy, as well as on the individual user.
3. Be sure the user has logged out and back in, and verify that they are not logging in offline.
4. Maybe delete the lsi file and let it get recreated.[/list]
I checked everything you mentioned other than finding a lsi file. I did a search on the server and my local machine for that, but not find any .lsi or .ssi file. It is not under locdata either.
I am upgrading to 6.1b this week. Would that resolve the problem?
The .lsi file (local security information, I think) stores the security information from the last time you logged on. It allows you to login “offline” later, and still use the same privileges. These sometime get corrupted, and by deleting it you can just login again and it will be recreated. The file would be on the user’s workstation, not yours.
I got it resolved. Insead of enabling everything at profile level, i used inherit from parent option and it worked(which is kinda strange for me coz these settings are enabled at the parent level )…anyways it worked.