determining reports to be affected by universe modification

Is there a method to distinguish which reports would be affected by an append to a universe if the append is another table.

There is a need to create 1 more table in each of 5 universes and I would like to find out which reports would be affected by this change so that I may determine what (if any) changes are required and by which reports.

Decisys :de: (BOB member since 2004-05-21)


I think it’s possible using new EIM features ! but i suppose you didn’t use Xir2 :wink:
There are tools doing this i think EQM from Noad is one of them !

An other way is to use Dwayne’s macro (list of objects used in a set of report) to know which objects are used in reports. Then you could use managero to know the SQL behind objects. But the better way is to modify Dwayne’s macro and add SQL of the query.


Many thanks for your reply Goiffon and Smith.

Are you perhaps referring to Dave Rathbun´s “List Objects Used in a set of Documents”

Decisys :de: (BOB member since 2004-05-21)

I would have a far greater concern of what reports would be affected if I were removing a table. Adding a table should be of little or no consequence unless it for some reason alters existing SQL generation.

tmarion :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-20)

An alternative version can be found here. That version records objects used as conditions, as well as result objects. Also, the information is recorded in a VBA data provider instead of a CSV file, and there are pre-built reports as well.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Hi Dwayne

After pressing the “Refresh” button in BO5.1.4 I get the following message: “You are not authorised to use this document. (FRM0008)”.

Within the information provided “Create a temporary directory” refers to the creation of a directory in windows, right? ie: another folder?

Decisys :de: (BOB member since 2004-05-21)


It relates to the level of access. Not exactly sure how but I used a different profile to open BO Reporter (one with higher access rights) and I was able to run the report.

Many thanks. Undeniably, a useful report

Decisys :de: (BOB member since 2004-05-21)

I included a few reports in the temp folder that I did not have access rights to therefore the error message. I have since removed them and the report works without the need to increase my level of access.

Another thing, is it possible to report on the definition of various measures in a report (ie: see what the code is for the measures). I would like to identify those measure that will be affected by a minor modification to a universe.

Decisys :de: (BOB member since 2004-05-21)

Firstly, would like to change that title to something less cumbersome…

Secondly the difficulty I face:

As DH’s List of Objects report reports on all objects used within a collection of reports, is there another method for checking or reporting on the SQL definition of measured objects at universe level- other than creating multiple metadata reports?

Decisys :de: (BOB member since 2004-05-21)