BusinessObjects Board

Design Studio edit query specification?


We have design studio 1.3.

If we create a new datasource based on a universe .unx and edit the query specification then click ok.

We are not able to edit the query again if we forgot to add a object.

Is it not possible to edit the query after we added one?

thoraxx (BOB member since 2012-05-03)

Yes you can edit the query afterwards but you need to change its properties from the “Property panel” on the right after selecting the query from the Data Sources list. (Click on the “Name” and then click on the “…”)

iguanasterix :iceland: (BOB member since 2008-02-18)

Thank you! Found it.
What a strange place to place that option :frowning:

thoraxx (BOB member since 2012-05-03)

Thank you - it was very annoying looking for it :slight_smile:

SarahG :australia: (BOB member since 2005-08-22)

In 1.5 version its available in the “Data Source” section of the properties window. :lol:
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hayath786 (BOB member since 2013-03-28)


rodrigocpz (BOB member since 2008-03-26)