Happens to me all the time. Despite DS now having access to universes as a data source, I suspect it’s just a bolt-on to appease the masses. I’ve never been able to get anything to work consistently and reliably - even the simplest of dashboards is slow and clunky and frequently falls over with errors such as the one you mention.
Thanks Debbie ! Its a terrible bug-especially as it works ok in the query panel preview - did you raise a ticket with SAP Or identify any relevant
SAP notes ?
It’s not consistent or reproducible enough to log with our support people. But there are things that don’t work over a UNX source - hierarchies for one - that have been confirmed as a bug, which make it unusable for us. That and the fact that I can’t justify spending time on it as we’re off to Microsoft soon! If I can’t get a really simple dashboard from a really simple webi query over a really simple universe to work, then there is no point in even trying to do any more.
If you are using an OOB DS 1.6 its not really surprising, RDBMS connectivity is relatively new.
I suspect you would have more luck with the latest service pack installed with this “new” functionality.