Default Hierarchies

What is the best way to maintain control over WebI’s drill functionality? When the drill function is enabled, users typically drill in all report columns and are unable to effectively return to their start point.

Is it advisable to delete all default hierarchies to prevent this? Is there a negative towards doing this?

Please advise.

Thanks. :roll_eyes:

tmlee (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

The best way is to define properly organised custom hierarchies. This will enforce the up/down path - but still allows ‘drill by’ within the scope of your query.

I think that the default hierarchies mirror the dimensions in your universe classes - so unless you’re very tidy in universe design they won’t be suitable.

philmorris :uk: (BOB member since 2002-11-12)

Default hierarchies do assume the object order within universe classes.

So, is it typical for all class (or sub-class) objects to be defined in a custom hierarchy to maintain proper order?

This seems a bit unwieldy. :nonod:

tmlee (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Unfortunately - Yes.

It’s always been a last step in our Universe Dev methodology (providing drill functions are required). I think it also features in BO’s suggested DEV process - although I’d have to have a look to confirm :?

It’s not as onerous a process as you may think - the difficulty comes from working our what should go where in the hierarchy - something that OLAP solutions tend to do for you automatically.


philmorris :uk: (BOB member since 2002-11-12)