DateType parameter error

Hi all,

I am working on a report and I need some one’s help to solve my issue.

  1. I am connecting to the Universe, created through designer as my connection to the report.
  2. While connecting, I TOOK FEW OBJECTS AND TWO PARAMTERS, to finish connection.

Now when I run the report and when I pass the right parameters am gettign the blank report with no data.

I took the sql from the rpt and tried it in the oracle, same problem. But, i changed the date format by removing time then sql returned the correct data.

SO, the DATA TYPE IN DB IS ‘DATE’ WHILE IN RPT, THE DATATYPE IS ‘DATE TIME’. So am getting blank report.

here is the alert message am getting wehn am trying to modify the parameter while running the report.

"This parameter is of type “DateTime” and the correct format is "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss, “yyyy” is four digit year, “mm” is the month (e.g. January = 1), “dd” is the day of the month, “hh” is hours in a 24 hour clock, “mm” is minutes , and “ss” is seconds.

Am getting the above message if I try to remove the time from the parameter while running the rpt.


akkans (BOB member since 2010-06-17)

Hi Akkans
sounds like a similar problem I had recently where the generated code is in the wrong format for the DB. see the following thread. hope this helps Error in SQL generated against MSAccess DB using 3 tier log


Woomaster :uk: (BOB member since 2010-04-16)