Date format with add text

Hi expert,

I am using currect date “formatdate(currentdate() ;” yyyy-MM-dd") Result is get 2022-06-09

Same i need with date data but showing error (screen shot is attached)

How i can get same like current date without format.
If i use todate(formatnumber([date];“########”) ;“yyyyMMdd”) Result is coming 6/7/22 instead of 2022-06-09

Note I need merge date and other test data.

We need to understand your starting point.

If your starting point is a text string that represents a date, then your ToDate formula needs to be showing the correct format. If someone passes June 9th as 6/9/22 in a text string called SDate, then I would convert it to a date as =ToDate([SDate];"M/d/yy")
Once it is in date format, I then have two options of how to display it. I can either simply right-click on the cell that contains it and format the cell using the built in dialog box or I can turn it back into a text string using FormatDate.

Does that clear things up for you?

Hi Mark,

We need to understand your starting point.

convert it to a date as =ToDate([SDate];"M/d/yy")
Till this is clear formula ia showing correct.
Once i entered getting #Error.
After right click go to format number but not taking

Could you help us to change formula which display “yyyy-MM-dd”

I need to merge date and location like "2022-06-09 Delhi"kindly confirm same like currentdate() is working.

This is not a string that can go straight into a ToDate conversion.

If your string always starts with the date in that format then your formula would need to be:
Where Object is the name of the string object that you want to convert to a date.

Hi MarkP,

This will be final result (2022-06-09 Delhi) if i got date “2022-06-09”

Right now i tried your suggested formula but getting error
"The expression or sub-expression at position 13 in the left function uses an invalid data type. (Ies 10037)

Pls suggest

if KJCRTD is of type number you can‘t use left()
this is only working on type text.
use formatnumber([KJCRTD];“#“) to convert into text
or try with (““+[KJCRTD])

Totally agree. Still not sure what the starting point is. Similarly if KJCRTD a date, ToDate won’t work.

But, going of the first post, it’s not a date format.