BusinessObjects Board

Date format change while exporting to swf or pdf file

Hi ,

I am building a variance dashboard for one of my project. Currently data is static and coming from an excel file. when I am previewing the file in xlf format the date format looks “MM/DD/YYYY” how ever when i export it to an .swf file or pdf file the date format changes to an integer format.

Did any one into similar issue :hb:

PV (BOB member since 2007-07-26)

Hi try this,

  1. Select your chart and go to properties.
  2. navigate to appearance tab.
  3. go to Text tab
  4. change the display format to date.
  5. select the proper date format.

Check image # 1: Issue.
Check image # 2: Solution
date formate solution.jpg
Date format issue.jpg

tahama_2000 (BOB member since 2013-08-31)