Data labels in Charts

Hi all,

I have a line chart in BO 4.1.2, with values for each ‘plot point’ on the chart displayed in the data label. Problem: the first digit of the first data label in the series will not print (though it shows up in Print Preview). Therefore, label that is “25%” instead prints like “5%”. This only happens with the first value in the series along the line; all other values are fine.

Anyone seen this before?

Jason Beard
AGD Consulting

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I have seen it! It is very annoying and we never could seem to fix it. Our chart is a bar chart and the percentages on the y-scale would appear on the screen but the first digit would not print nor would it show up when the file was converted to rft. We tried everything…but no success. Bug?

From: Jason Beard[SMTP:Jason_Beard@SEAGRAM.COM]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 1998 1:07 PM

Hi all,

I have a line chart in BO 4.1.2, with values for each ‘plot point’ on the chart displayed in the data label. Problem: the first digit of the first data label in the series will not print (though it shows up in Print Preview). Therefore, label that is “25%” instead prints like
“5%”. This only happens with the first value in the series along the line; all other values are fine.

Anyone seen this before?

Jason Beard
AGD Consulting

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Definitely a bug. We wrestled with this problem and tried Tech Support, but they only concluded that the problem must be with our print drivers.
Sometimes making tiny adjustments to the chart dimensions will work, but you’ll need to keep printing to see what works. We finally had to flip the numbers to vertical to make sure they would always display. Very frustrating!
_______________________________________________________ Andy Oliver
CP&L - Financial Systems

....the first digit would not print nor would it show up when the file was converted to rft. We tried everything...but no success. Bug?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)