Dashboard will not pull latest webi web service instance

I’m running dashboard 4.0 and it uses web services from a webi report. The webi report runs every 15 minutes and there doesn’t seem to be a problem with the execution of the scheduling. The problem lies with the dashboard not refreshing with the latest instance. When it does refresh it happens at random times/intervals.

Things i’ve checked/done:
-Set to “TRUE” for WS input getFromLatestDocumentInstance
-Set to refresh before components are loaded on usage tab
-Set to refresh every 5 minutes on usage tab
-Set to refresh on trigger cell
-Added a lastrefreshdate to the dashboard from the output values
-Added a refresh connection button to manually refresh it

aflac (BOB member since 2012-02-28)

Sounds like you have all the bases covered. Have you tried using the number 1 instead of “TRUE” on the web service flag?

theknowtank (BOB member since 2011-04-20)

Yes I have. Any other suggestions? :nopity:

aflac (BOB member since 2012-02-28)

resetstate to 1 or true is the answer

aflac (BOB member since 2012-02-28)