I’ve just built my first Dashboard in 4.1 from a universe query and have 2 queries,
I exported it as pdf when the user opens the pdf it prompts the user for BO login / pw, is that normal or due to the way I exported it ?
The dashboard is slow to render on the screen I thought it would be quick. I have a slider on dates and if I move it’s slow, I assumed it would cache the data in the report itself or pdf file so it would be instant if I moved the slider is that not that case, is it connecting back to my BI instance ?
The answers to your questions depend entirely on how you set up the dashboard. However, based on the easiest options to select, you probably did tell the dashboard to refresh the data both on open (triggering the need for login) and when the slider is changed (causing the slow performance). You are also getting prompted for login information because you did not specify it in the connection information.
SAP Dashboards use Excel as a temporary holding place for both manipulating and, in a sense, caching the data. It is extremely possible (and generally recommended) to pull down a (relatively) large cube of data, and then filter what is shown based on the component selections. Balancing the size of the cube with the frequency of new fetches is more art than science. Larger cubes take longer to fetch and result in a larger dashboard file size.
This process is the one of the pillars of good dashboard design. As such, it is far too complex to detail here. Find a good book, read through these forums, and look for sites like EverythingXcelsius.com.
I had to export as PDF as my PC could not find an app for the .swf which I thought odd as I have Adobe Reader, is shockwave a slightly different product then ? I looked at what I can download to my PC here from the company intranet and no shockwave it listed ?