Any help on this would be appreciated…
I am trying to create the sense of a dashboard in asp using the Business Objects SDK. So, I have an
asp page with 4 sections. In each of the 4 sections I open and display a full client Business Objects report. I am using 5.1.7. The problem is it’s taking a minute for the screen to load. I need to reduce this number. Below is a sample of code that I use to display…
Dim WebISession
Dim DocName
Dim DocId
Dim RepoType0
Dim Cell
Dim DocType
DocType = “Web”
Set WebISession = WebIServer.GetSession()
Set WebIContext = WebISession.CreateContext()
DocName = “Cluster Finances V1”
DocId = “35”
Set WebIDocument1 = WebIContext.OpenDocument(DocName, DocId, RepoType)
'For Prompt Only
on Error resume next
a = Request.QueryString(“PRODUCT”)
set WebIOutput0 = WebIDocument1.GetHTMLView(true)
Set WebiPrompts0 = WebIDocument1.GetPrompts()
set webiPrompt0 = webiPrompts0.item(1)
set WebIOutput0 = WebIDocument1.GetHTMLView(false)
MyReportList0 = WebIDocument1.GetReportList()
WebIDocument1.Report = MyReportList0(0)
WebIDocument1.Page = 1
set WebIOutput0 = WebIDocument1.GetHTMLView(false)
Response.Write(WebIOutput0.GetStringPart(“html”, False))
I think the bottleneck of code is this…
set WebIOutput0 = WebIDocument1.GetHTMLView(false)
MyReportList0 = WebIDocument1.GetReportList()
WebIDocument1.Report = MyReportList0(0)
WebIDocument1.Page = 1
Is this needed? Is there any way to optimize?
dsadress (BOB member since 2004-07-14)