DA0005 and DMA0007 error in Infoview

Hi everyone,

I’m experiencing a weird situation.

The BO version we’re using is 5.1.8 and WebI is version 2.

We used SQL Server 2000 before and everything worked fine. After upgrading to SQL Server 2005 and move the database to another server, reports can only be refreshed through BusinessObjects, but not through Infoview. The error message we got in Infoview is below:

Automation exception BusinessObjects server process raised an automation exception. (BOMGR0060) IDispatch error #109 Connection or SQL sentence error: (DA0005): [[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Client unable to establish connection1326] The following data providers have not been successfully refreshed: AR. (DMA0007): [] (server name)

We changed the DSN in Infoview server to redirect to the new server.

Let me express the situation in the simple way:

  1. reports worked fine both in BO and Infoview in SQL Server 2000 server (server A).

  2. after move the same database to a new server installed with SQL server 2005 (server B), reports work through BusinessObjects (full client), but not through Infoview (thin client) and got the above error message.

  3. we checked the DSN in Infoview server and it points to the new SQL Server 2005 server correctly.

I was wondering it’s a BO issue or database security issue?

Any help will be appreciated.

whuang138 (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

By the way, I checked the help file of BO for the error codes and it doesn’t help me anything.


whuang138 (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

I don’t know the answer to your question – but one thing you might check is the version of the middleware on your WebI server. Perhaps it’s an old version, and you might need a newer version with your new database version.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

Could solve this problem ?If yes, please tell me the way .becasue I am facing the same problem now.


designer_star (BOB member since 2007-09-13)

There are two solutions for this

1.changing the sql server drivers on webi boxes to 2005 native client drivers
2.Modifying the prm file so that it will support ansi 92 format sql in all the webi boxes

remove the * or what ever following this statements

and add ANSI_92 to the below line in the prm file

Hopes this will resolve your problem


kumar446 :india: (BOB member since 2006-01-23)