Current date Function not working


i am using Web intelligence XI R2 …need todevelop an automatic report using current date as a default date …it’s a daily report.

but when i ma giving proper database connection my current date function is getting disabled…

help asap :hb:


abc (BOB member since 2007-06-05)

Which function are you using and what is the database you are on (and also mention the version please)

HPE (BOB member since 2006-10-03)

i m using BO XI R2 …have to automate the reports for yesterday…it’s a daily report …so plannig to go for currentdate-1 function …will be creating an object at universe and use it as filter in reports.

but date function itself is disabled…m using in DB2

pls help


abc (BOB member since 2007-06-05)

You can’t just use current date-1. Doesn’t work in my DB2 environment either.

Try CURDATE()-1 DAY. This works for me.

HPE (BOB member since 2006-10-03)

that’s what i meant actually …but that is not the issue …issue is date function is not enabled in my designer.

abc (BOB member since 2007-06-05)

how do you mean not enabled? Not visible when you make a formula or doesn’t it parse when you parse the sql?

You know sometimes functions are not visible because the driver doesn’t support them, but when you type them, they still will be accepted by the database.

If not you should be wondering about the driver version you are using in your connection, or even in the database, could it be that the version you are using is outdated?

HPE (BOB member since 2006-10-03)


Create an object date1 of type date.
In select clause,

in where clause,
to_char(dim_date.calendar_date,‘dd-mon-yyyy’) = (select to_char(sysdate-1,‘dd-mon-yyyy’) from dual).

Hope this will solve your problem.
Acc to my knowledge, We can’t use directly currentdate() function in universe.

sreedharjujare (BOB member since 2008-01-15)