BusinessObjects Board

Crystal Report Results Issue

Good afternoon,

Not sure if anyone can assist me with this but i’m banging my head against a brick wall.

I have a project which has been written in Visual Studio 2013, here is the code i’m using to call the report (quite simple)

frmReports.monthlyProjectsEnquiries1.SetParameterValue(“Month”, Now.Month)
frmReports.monthlyProjectsEnquiries1.SetParameterValue(“Year”, Now.Year)
frmReports.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = frmReports.monthlyProjectsEnquiries1

However the report does not show me the date range i’m requiring, instead it just shows me all entries for the entire table!

Here is the Record Selection formula

{quotation.quoteStatus} <> “Delete” and
cdate ({quotation.quoteEnqDate}) >= cdate ({?Year},{?Month},1) and
cdate({quotation.quoteEnqDate}) <= cdate ({?Year},{?Month},Day(DateSerial({?Year}, {?Month} + 1, 0)))

I am using Crystal Reports - Version

If anyone can help then that would be great.


SimonUK (BOB member since 2018-09-18)