Crosstab formatting

Hi. Can a crosstab that looks like this:
C/Fwrd TotExp TotInc TotNet

1-11-1111-11 0 0 0 -39224
1-11-1111-11 -43285 0 0 0
1-11-1111-11 0 4061 0 0

be formatted to look like:
C/Fwrd TotExp TotInc TotNet
1-11-1111-11 -43285 4061 0 -39224

The body of the crosstab contains measure objects. The row object is a variable created in the report. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have already tried the obvious: breaking, folding, creating variable formulas. Thanks.
Crystal Golding
Senior Systems Analyst
Management Information Section
University of Queensland
Brisbane Australia 4072

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Try creating a SUMMARY row and then only displaying it. That should work. You can also try setting C/Fwrd as a Dimension Object so that it aggregates the three columns. That should work as well. -rm

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I did try to create sums on the columns within the cross tab but I was unable to fold the cross tab horizontally to only show the sums. C/Fwrd, TotExp,TotInc & TotNet are 4 different values contained within the same dimension object. The measure object contained within the body of the crosstab is set to sum on aggregation. Does anyone else have any possible solutions?
Robert said>>
Try creating a SUMMARY row and then only displaying it. That should work. You can also try setting C/Fwrd as a Dimension Object so that it aggregates the three columns. That should work as well. Original >>

Hi. Can a crosstab that looks like this:
C/Fwrd TotExp TotInc TotNet

1-11-1111-11 0 0 0 39224
1-11-1111-11 -43285 0 0 0
1-11-1111-11 0 4061 0 0

be formatted to look like:
C/Fwrd TotExp TotInc TotNet
1-11-1111-11 -43285 4061 0 39224

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Sue, Thanks for the tip. It worked well. For some reason, the FOR Each would not work like this.


I have run into the same problem and two things have corrected the problem. One is to add an In statement to the body of the report. Click on your measure object within the crosstab and add In (<name of the 1-11-1111-11 column>, <name of the C/Fwrd, etc. row>). That should work. Also, you can check Tools - Crosstab - Pivot and make sure there are no hidden dimensions within the body. If so, delete them, click OK, and you’ll have to re-add the measure to the body.


  • Hi. Can a crosstab be formatted to look like: C/Fwrd TotExp TotInc TotNet
    1-11-1111-11 -43285 4061 0 39224

Best regards,

Crystal Golding
Senior Systems Analyst
Management Information Section
University of Queensland
Brisbane Australia 4072
Phone: +61 7 336 57289
Fax: +61 7 336 58202

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)