Creation of Repository

We’re trying to create a test DB2 repository in v.4.1.5. We followed the steps listed in Supervisor. The problem is, BusinessObjects put the repository in the temp space in our database subsystem. We updated the script that BusinessObjects created, with tablespace name and owner so the repository will be in the space intended, deleted the repository database from the temp space, deleted the BOMAIN.key file in LocData. Does anyone know where to put the script so BusinessObjects will use that instead of their own? We’ve renamed all the *.sql files in the DB2 subdirectory and BusinessObjects does not complain when we tried installing the repository again. Where is the script that BusinessObjects uses to install the repository?
Your input would be much appreciated.
Lucia Chan

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I think you may be taking the hard route, we have never had to do this… if the account you specify is set up correctly, BO should follow that … My repository was created using my user EDWPROD, and that user had a default tablespace of BODATA - the resulting script put my tables there, not in temp…

Verify that the user you set up for this repository has a default and temp tablespace specified…

I think you can just run your script and do a safe recovery to use that repository, but that seems like the less likely way to get this to run.

Let us know what happens,

We’re trying to create a test DB2 repository in v.4.1.5. We followed the
steps listed in Supervisor. The problem is, BusinessObjects put the repository in the temp space in our database subsystem. We updated the
script that BusinessObjects created, with tablespace name and owner so the
repository will be in the space intended, deleted the repository database
from the temp space, deleted the BOMAIN.key file in LocData. Does anyone
know where to put the script so BusinessObjects will use that instead of
their own? We’ve renamed all the *.sql files in the DB2 subdirectory and
BusinessObjects does not complain when we tried installing the repository
again. Where is the script that BusinessObjects uses to install the repository?
Your input would be much appreciated.
Lucia Chan

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Thanks for your reply. I will have the DBA check that and try again. Will let you know what the outcome is.

From: Douglas, Brent

I think you may be taking the hard route, we have never had to do this… if the account you specify is set up correctly, BO should follow that … My repository was created using my user EDWPROD, and that user had a default
tablespace of BODATA - the resulting script put my tables there, not in temp…

Verify that the user you set up for this repository has a default and temp tablespace specified…

I think you can just run your script and do a safe recovery to use that repository, but that seems like the less likely way to get this to run.

Let us know what happens,

We’re trying to create a test DB2 repository in v.4.1.5. We followed the
steps listed in Supervisor. The problem is, BusinessObjects put the
repository in the temp space in our database subsystem. We updated
script that BusinessObjects created, with tablespace name and owner
so the
repository will be in the space intended, deleted the repository database
from the temp space, deleted the BOMAIN.key file in LocData. Does anyone
know where to put the script so BusinessObjects will use that instead of
their own? We’ve renamed all the *.sql files in the DB2 subdirectory and
BusinessObjects does not complain when we tried installing the repository
again. Where is the script that BusinessObjects uses to install the
Your input would be much appreciated.
Lucia Chan

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)