We want to create a report in Document format
Let me explain
We are having table, which stores comments, short description and findings. These fields should not be displayed in tabular format.
But should be dispalyed in paragraph format.
In addition to these fields, the other fields like title,date etc also to be displayed.
This is easily done by creating your query and starting your report. Then click on the button “slice and dice”, be sure the section-screen is activated (button no. 2) and drag’n drop you objects in the section area.
I’m having a bit of trouble understanding your question as well. If we’ve all missed the mark, perhaps you could give us a simple example format.
Until then, a couple of suggestions come to mind. If you are wanting the fields in the table to go down instead of across, use the Format, Rotate Table function. If your fields have large amounts of text and you want it to wrap, use Format, Cell, and choose Wrap Text on the Alignment tab. You may also want to consider the Row by row auto fit option.
This should be possible by formatting the tables and cells.
You might need to add some empty cells or delete some cells to get the precise indentation.
You will also need to specify the relative distance of various cells and blocks so that they appear like a paragraph.