BusinessObjects Board

Creating Formulas

Can you create Formulas in Explorer or do you have to do it in the Universe and then deliver get it in Explorer.

I hope you can create formulas in explorer?!

di652 (BOB member since 2005-02-24)

The only formulas you can create in Explorer (4.0 at least) are ones where it’s based on existing measures within Explorer. You cannot, for instance, take a measure and / 1000 or anything like that. It’s only things like measure 1 - measure 2 or + or / or whatever operator you’d like. We are just installing 4.1 Explorer and I was hoping that this would change but I don’t think so based on the 4.1 “what’s new” I’ve read.

So, when utilizing Explorer, there are definitely good chance that you will need to add additional objects to your universe to support it. In our case, the additional objects have mainly been the following 3 types:

  1. New calculations (i.e. wanting a measure to appear in 000s or something where normally would handle in a report and not explicitely define in a universe)

  2. Combining codes + descriptions into ONE object

  3. Creating custom filters - you cannot define filters on the fly when designing an Explorer Infospace - you can only use filters that have been defined in the universe.

jackie_dunn :us: (BOB member since 2013-09-03)

So then I am using Explorer for XI R3 and will need to create all those calculations normally done in a WEBI report to now be included in a universe.

Cheesh! Beginning to think they botched this bolton real bad.

di652 (BOB member since 2005-02-24)

I agree in most aspects but the SPEED that you get in Explorer I think is one of the reasons that they do not allow much “additional tinkering” when designing the Infospace.

We have rolled out Explorer and hit some definite issues both with Server performance (it’s a memory hog) and some glitches on it’s usage via the iPad…but all in all users (especially executives) really LOVE it.

So the bottom line is, from my technical viewpoint it’s a love/hate relationship… :smiley:

jackie_dunn :us: (BOB member since 2013-09-03)