I’m trying to create custom year ranges that span from 09/01-08/31. So for example, I want 09/01/2018-08/31/2019 to be 2018-2019 and 09/01/2017-08/31/2018 to be 2017-2018.
My formula looks like this:
=If(FormatDate([Academic Year View].[Job Effdt];"MM/dd/yyyy")>="09/01/2018" And FormatDate([Academic Year View].[Job Effdt];"MM/dd/yyyy")<="08/31/2019";"2018-2019";0)
This results in 0 for all dates regardless of whether they are in that range or not.
I tried to make it simpler by using
=If(FormatDate([Academic Year View].[Job Effdt];"MM/dd/yyyy")>="09/01/2018";1;0)
This returned 0’s for all dates between 09/01 and 12/31 and seemed to ignore the year completely.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
avaleska (BOB member since 2018-12-03)