counting measures

We have a report retrieving analysis results.

It looks as follows :

Sample_# Product Analysis_result
1 Name 18
2 Name 19
3 Name 18
4 Name 18

Sample_# and Product are dimensions, Analysis_result is a measure.
We’d like to count the number of similar results in a report like the
following :

Analysis_result Count
18 3
19 1

But it is impossible to apply Count() to a measure, neither to set a break
on it.
Has anybody in the list an idea ?

Christophe GROS

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Christophe,

But it is impossible to apply Count() to a measure, neither to set a break
on it.

Define a new object in your universe, a user object or a variable, give it
a suggestive name like Analysis_result_asDimension and set it to the value
of Analysis_result. After defining it in the “formula tab”, go to the
“definition tab” and set it to “dimension”. Use this object/variable

Rui Miguel Amaral de Sousa Pedro
Siemens S.A.
tel: +351 (01) 424 2111
fax: +351 (01) 424 2054

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Try to create a new Variable (in the Reporter Module) that can be defined as
a detail or Dimension object.
i.e. ANALYSIS_NUM: =<Analysis_result>

Then you should be able to create a COUNT(<ANALYSIS_NUM>) object.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)