BusinessObjects Board

Count function in detail table

I"m trying to create add a column that shows the count of all orders in a given city. This would be similar to a windows sql function

SELECT order_id, order_date, customer_name, city, order_amount
,COUNT(order_id) OVER(PARTITION BY city) as total_orders
FROM [dbo].[Orders]

Is this possible in WebI? If I remove the detail columns (order_id) then I can get the totals per city but I want to keep that in the table without adding any breaks. Also not able to make any universe updates.

=count([Order ID]) In ([City]) is what I’d suggest without knowing more about your table.

If that doesn’t work, please post the structure of your table (fake numbers are fine) and we can look in more detail at your problem.


Thanks, that worked. I confused that with the count() ForEach ()