could not export the universe.

Iam trying to export the universe to development domain.Iam getting following error message"Universe already exist on the repository you cannot over write it" Could not export universe.I deleted universe and lov’s from the repository and tried to export it,But i still have the same problem.

Any one encountered similar problem?
Thanks in advance

karen (BOB member since 2003-06-18)


Not sure this would help, how bout a quick Scan/Repair of your repository?


ToddGustafson :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-17)

Do a Scan/Repair AND Compact (done via Supervisor).

In addition you might try a search on BOB (in the Designer or Supervisor forums), suggested keywords: Universe already exist on the repository

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Hi Karen,

Ask to the supervisor to change the properties of your account. In supervisor, he must lock for your account the security command called “Prevent from Overwritting Universe” on Designer properties.


ChristopheA :fr: (BOB member since 2003-09-04)

Thanks for the info guys.Its not the user id previleges issues.Its happeningw ith GS id too.Iam not seeing this error if i change the universe name and export it.

I think universe id is messed up.

Any suggestions

karen (BOB member since 2003-06-18)

As was already mentioned:

Try a Scan/Repair AND Compact (done via Supervisor).

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

I think it is a problem which I used to face. You have to import that particular universe before you try to export it.

Eg: If you have a Universe X in the repository and you want to make some changes. If you have made changes in your local copy and if you are trying to export it(overwritethe repository copy)…you would get this error.

Now Import the Universe X from the repository, make the changes and export it, or if you think the changes are huge…

Import the Universe X from the repository and then export your local copy which has the same Universe short and Long names.

Let me know if I am confusing… :nonod:

Try this out.

Ashokkumar (BOB member since 2004-05-20)

This is the work flow-Iam importing the universe —making some changes-and exporting it to repository.Thats where its throwing the error.It has same file name and long name like the one in repository.Its not a previleg issue.Its happenning with all id’s.

karen (BOB member since 2003-06-18)

Do you use the ‘save for all users’ box?

Ellen :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

Actually this universe was moved from citrix to our development environment.Iam not sure whether the user checked save for all users or not.If iam not mistaken we cannot check save for all users for a universe with secured connection.

karen (BOB member since 2003-06-18)