I am using the below formula for Convert minutes to Weeks/Days/Hours/Minutes
=FormatNumber(Floor([UpElapsedTime] /1440) ;“0”) + " days, " +
FormatNumber(Floor(Mod([UpElapsedTime] ;1440)/60) ;“0”) + " hours, " +
FormatNumber(Mod(Mod([UpElapsedTime] ;1440) ;60) ;“0”) + " minutes"
What would the formula for be for converting seconds to Weeks/Days/Hours/Minutes?
ribcage (BOB member since 2006-09-01)
Convert seconds to minutes by dividing by 60 and then use the original formula.
Dave Rathbun (BOB member since 2002-06-06)
Thanks, can you please show me how that is done in the formula? I am not really sure how this formula works.
ribcage (BOB member since 2006-09-01)
I am sorry, I see what you are saying. I will create a variable to convert the seconds to minutes then apply this formula to that variable.
ribcage (BOB member since 2006-09-01)
Yes, you have it.
Dave Rathbun (BOB member since 2002-06-06)
This worked great. Exactly the expected results!!
ribcage (BOB member since 2006-09-01)