Cont. on Variance


I have read most of the posts on the workings of a variance.
I have a crosstab in which I calculate the difference between two values for different dates, i.e.

             23/04/05   24/04/05    Variance

Level two Value Value value where Date = "23/04/05) - value where date ="24/04/05)

All that works fine.
My report returns data for two days, (i.e today = run date and data will be for yesterday and day before yesterday)

My problem is that this is my daily report and I refresh everyday but the variance formula is static, i.e i dates remain and they do not refresh.

How do I make them dynamic. I have tried creating date variable to contain max and min date seperately but cannot use them in context.
I am on version 6.1a

Please help!!!

Thabileg (BOB member since 2003-11-04)