BusinessObjects Board

Consuming webhook

Dear Community,

I would like to consume webhook callback message (HTTP POST) in realtime with Data Services.

Do you know if it’s possible to do so with Dataservices ? I’ve start looking at realtime jobs, access server and adapter but i’m a bit confused as realtime awaiting soap request …

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks folks

Uik (BOB member since 2007-06-22)

not sure what you mean by webhook callback, but if you are trying to consume data from a HTTP URL (XML format only) then you can use HTTP Adapter to do that

when you say real time, what is that you are expecting from DS Real time service ? automatically pull the data ? DS real time service runs as a demon process waiting for requests, it expects some client application to send message to it process a message

so in your case if you want to send something to DS for processing (by implementing on your webhook callback) and storing that data in some other database, then in the source application you can use a webService client to send that message to DS Real time service for processing

manoj_d (BOB member since 2009-01-02)

Dear Manoj_d,

Thank you for your reply. I owe you a bit of explanation.
I would like to be able to consume some information from a JIRA platform using JIRA webhook feature

This should enabled me to have some PUSH rather some PULL from DataServices (whish is not real time). The call back send me a body with json response on a URL of my choice (for the moment i put access server but nothing is working)

Hope this help you for any guidance.

Thx & regards

Uik (BOB member since 2007-06-22)

ok, I don’t think you will be able to do this using DS webservices and Real Time Service, reason is, DS WebServices doesn’t have support for REST, it only works with SOAP, so if the JIRA system can send a soap request to DS webService you can implement the handing of that message in Real Time Job

I think JIRA also has REST Based APIs, you can use that in a batch job and get the data from JIRA system by running the batch job, I guess this is not your requirement

see if it’s possible to implement a wrapper service that can handle the JIRA callback and convert that to a DS webService SOAP Request

manoj_d (BOB member since 2009-01-02)

Hi Manoj,

Thanks for your reply. I already consume data from the rest api but was curious about having something real-time.

I’ll see if we got time to developp such a wrapper and let you know if so.

Thx & regards

Uik (BOB member since 2007-06-22)