Connection associated with universe.....(UX0015)

Hi all,

I hit with the msg " Connection associated with universe has not beed defined. You must defined the connection"…

I have checked all my connections and they seems to be ok…

anyone know what wrong :wah:

a7man (BOB member since 2004-08-03)

Are you working with a repository and exported univers ?
try this :

  1. import the univers in the designer
  2. delete the connexion having problemes
  3. create another one
  4. assign it with univers (secured connexion in order to be exported)
  5. save the univers
  6. export it

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)


Thanks for the tip. It is working now :smiley:

a7man (BOB member since 2004-08-03)