connect Sap Dashboard to Microsoft BI (Power BI)

Hi Guys,

I’m trying to connect my dashboard with Microsoft BI but I dont know how.
For your information Microsoft BI is a BI solution that it try covered all business issues inside excel enviroment. Also it shares your workboos in a Microsoft cloud (sharepoint). Everyday There are business users using excel tool like a core their works. Microsoft BI extend this relationship for make more simple BI experience, i supose.
but Sap has Xcelsius (they promotion microsoft tool, brilliant!) and now we have users in the same way but with differents technologies…

Do they think a new dirver to connect Microsoft BI with Sap Dashboard???


edumen (BOB member since 2013-04-23)

Not directly, but couldn’t you build a universe over your MS cube and then create your dashboard from that source?

or use BIWS (Business Intelligence Web Service), via a Webi report, based on the OLAP universe?

Mak 1 :uk: (BOB member since 2005-01-06)

Or, given that they are both Excel-based technologies, use Live Office to connect them?

Lugh (BOB member since 2009-07-16)

sorry guys but in this enviroment there isnt SAP Business Objects solution, just SAP Dashboard, that’s problem :frowning:

There are a lot of connections in SAP dashboard but I just know Qwwas, BW…¿others? I dont know how it does working. Big mistery for me!

anyway, thanks for your time and for your share experiencie :+1:

edumen (BOB member since 2013-04-23)

Could be possible if you can generate XML from Microsoft BI?

Mak 1 :uk: (BOB member since 2005-01-06)

Yess, it can work!

i thought could be a perfect world with a perfect “driver” to connect Microsoft BI in Dashboard…maybe I was dreaming :mrgreen:

Last question, what can you say about SAP Business Objects Desing Studio?? is it new dashboard tool?? Time’s up for Xcelsius??

edumen (BOB member since 2013-04-23)

Based on my crude understanding (which is mostly fueled by rumor, idle speculation, and blog posts), Design Studio is the path forward. Mostly because SAP can’t figure out how to divorce Xcelsius/Dashboards from Flash technology and still maintain backwards compatibility. And Flash technology is also on the way out.

Of course, I’ve also noticed that it’s Lumira that’s getting the press, so I’m not really sure what the corporate strategy here is.

Lugh (BOB member since 2009-07-16)