For generating Configuration Template, we need to enter adapter class.
In the following, colored one is the adater class, for configuring custom adapter(created new adpater for my requirement), what is the adapter class we need to enter.The colored one is for SalesForce adapter.
“%LINK_DIR%\ext\jre\bin\java” -classpath
com.acta.adapter.sdk.AdapterMain -a com.acta.adapter.sf.SFAdapter-d “%LINK_DIR%\adapters\config\templates\SFAdapter.xml”
for example, if you are writing a custom adapter for MS Sharepoint and you have implemented the DS Adapter interfaces and put them in a package named and build jar for this named mssharepointadapter.jar and the adapter class name is SharepointAdapter then the command line will be
“%LINK_DIR%\ext\jre\bin\java” -classpath
com.acta.adapter.sdk.AdapterMain -a -d “%LINK_DIR%\adapters\config\templates\SharepointAdapter.xml”