BusinessObjects Board

Configuration Tool - Java Problem


i still have a Problem.

Win10 - 64bit and BO 6.54

If i start the Configuration Tool, i get a Error Message: “jre\bin\javew” not found. I installed it under: C:\Bo
The configtool.bat Looks like:

set JAVA=start jre\bin\javaw
rem set CONFIGTOOLCP=../classes/configToolUI.jar
set _PARAMS=
if ""%1 == "" goto :doRun
set _PARAMS=%_PARAMS% %1
if ""%1 == ""-cmdline set JAVA=jre\bin\java
if ""%1 == ""-cmdline set CONFIGTOOLCLASS=ConfigToolInLine
if ""%1 == ""-cmdline set CONFIGTOOLCP=../classes/configToolInLine.jar
if ""%1 == ""-help set JAVA=jre\bin\java
goto :getParams
cd ..
set PATH=%CD%\jre\bin\hotspot;%PATH%
set BO_TRACE_LOGDIR=..\logs
%JAVA% -classpath "%CONFIGTOOLCP%;../classes/configToolCustomer.jar;../classes/configToolCommon.jar;../classes/configToolUI.jar;../classes/asf_java.jar;../classes/bo_orb.jar;../classes/ldapjdk.jar;../classes/ebi.jar;../classes/wiutils.jar;../classes/asgui.jar;../classes/crimson.jar;../classes/jaxp.jar;../classes" -DTP_ONE=%TP_ONE% -DASF_PI_ENABLED=%ASF_PI_ENABLED% %_PARAMS%
cd scripts

Before the reinstall, it was working fine… But i can’t remember, what i did Long time before.

Maybe someone can help me?
I know, it is a old Tool - but it works perfect. I want to change some in the key file…


Steffen11 (BOB member since 2011-02-16)

These lines:

set JAVA=start jre\bin\javaw 
set PATH=%CD%\jre\bin\hotspot;%PATH% 
%JAVA% -classpath 

look suspicious. The path will not be recognized since the command line includes a directory reference. You may just need to change the first line to:

set JAVA=start javaw

but this assumes that the jre directory is underneath the current working directory. If not, you can hard-code the path:

set JAVA=start c:\bo\jre\binjavaw

joepeters :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)


thank you for u Feedback.
I changed it and now Comes this message:

You have any idea?


Steffen11 (BOB member since 2011-02-16)

Probably because this line is commented out:

rem set CONFIGTOOLCP=../classes/configToolUI.jar 

joepeters :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)


no, it wasn’t the solution.
Maybe it comes because of Java?

I couldn’t found the Problem… :expressionless:


Steffen11 (BOB member since 2011-02-16)

The error means that Java is not able to find the “ConfigToolUI” class in the classpath. This means that there is no jar containing ConfigToolUI.class, or (more likely) the classpath doesn’t include the jar.

joepeters :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Is it a Problem with the Jave JRE or do i have reinstall BO?
I have no environment variables for Java.

Maybe is it the reason?

Steffen11 (BOB member since 2011-02-16)

It’s finding java.exe (that’s what’s generating the error). It’s not finding the right jars. They should be in a “classes” folder under the CWD.

Did you change the file structure, or the CWD?

joepeters :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Good morning,

the files are under: C:\BO\classes
I did not Change anything…
Thank you for your Patience.


Steffen11 (BOB member since 2011-02-16)

Which directory is configtool.bat in?

joepeters :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)


Steffen11 (BOB member since 2011-02-16)

Ok, that’s good. Is there any more text after the “Program will exit” message?

joepeters :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

No, only this: Java Virtual Machine Launcher

I think it comes from Java - there are many postings on Google.
But i don’t know how to fix it :-(.

Steffen11 (BOB member since 2011-02-16)

That message can have multiple causes, but generally the stack trace will be displayed which will give more info.

One possible cause is a mismatch between the JRE being used and the package. Back to your original problem – the installer should have installed the JRE, but apparently something went screwy with that since the first problem you had was a missing JRE. What happened to it?

joepeters :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)


now it works, i copied all Java file in classes and all file from classe zu Java.

But now i get the Message:

You must have administrator's rights (or the equivalent) to launch the Configuration Tool. To configure the Business Objects server as a service, the following rights must be assigned to the user who launches the Configuration Tool and to the account used to start the service: "Act as part of the operating system" and "Log on as a service" 
 To add these rights, go to the Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy

I found these Option and i added my user name - but the message doesn’t move :-(.

BR and nice weekend

Steffen11 (BOB member since 2011-02-16)

Try running as a local admin.

joepeters :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)