command line install - 3tier

Here is the script I’m using to (try to) install zabo. (6.1b)

DEFAULTLANG=en ADDLOCAL=bo.AccessPacks,bo.rdbms.MSAccessODBC,bo.3TierBusinessObjects,

The problem I’m having is that after installing, Business Objects behaves as full client. It needs the DSN on the machine, and after log in (even using the 3-tier key), I see the user name as , and not as @

Could it be that some of the modules above make it install as FC ? Which modules do I really need? Should I use the THREETIERBUSOBJ=1 parameter?

Italo Sessegolo (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Does anybody have a functional ZABO command-line install script?

Italo Sessegolo (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

I’ve figured out the problem with BO requiring DSNs on the machine. I wasn’t copying the .rkey file to the machine, but instead the .key file. Once the correct key was installed, it works. However, I have another issue… The install only works when I remove the silent install switches (/s, /qn). This is what I have to run:

DEFAULTLANG=en ADDLOCAL=bo.AccessPacks,bo.rdbms.MSAccessODBC,bo.3TierBusinessObjects,

As soon as the switches are in the script, it will not install anymore. The script will run for 10 to 15 seconds and terminate also silently… Any ideas?

Italo Sessegolo (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

I got it… The parameter to select languages to install is INSTALLLANG. My script (copied from the example in the documentation :reallymad: ) has INSTALL_LANG. Apparently it only matters in the silent install.

Italo Sessegolo (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

:smiley: Yes yes…
My customer had the same problem - BO-Support has a BUG logged for the error in the documentation!°


Good Luck!

  • Wobi

Wolfgang Bidner :austria: (BOB member since 2002-08-30)

In case somebody needs a working and tested sample code for commandline install - silent mode… here is one that worked for me finally - after endless testing… :sleeping:

start /wait \\NETWORKPATH\setup.exe /s /v" /qn INSTALLLANG=de DEFAULTLANG=de INISTALLTYPE=Custom INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 6\" COMPANYNAME=\"Business Objects\" USERNAME=\"Username\" ADDLOCAL=bo,bo.AccessPacks,bo.rdbms.ODBC,bo.rdbms.ODBC3,bo.rdbms.ODBC2,bo.rdbms,bo.rdbms.MSAccessODBC,bo.rdbms.Microsoft,bo.Demos,bo.DemoKit,bo.DesktopProducts,bo.BusinessObjects,bo.BusinessObjectsDoc,bo.BusinessObjectsHelp,bo.BusinessObjectsExplorer,bo.BusinessObjectsReporter,bo.Designer,bo.DesignerApp,bo.DesignerHelp,bo.Supervisor,bo.SupervisorDoc,bo.SupervisorHelp,bo.SupervisorApp LICENSEDIR=C:\BO\License\ " 
  • my save a lot of time 8)

Wolfgang Bidner :austria: (BOB member since 2002-08-30)

Can your Zabo-commandlineinstall access Excel-Files? :confused:
My customer tries a simple (non-Zabo) commandlineinstallation and is unable to access excel data. => It ends in a Cdao-Error- but no mdac-installation helps! A non-commandlineinstall is able to access Excel!

Customerenvironment: NT4sp6 and office 97 Sp2 - not supported under 61b but under 61a - so I am testing with 61a and contacted Bo-Support - but no cure at the moment!

Yours - Wolfgang Bidner - alias WoBi

Wolfgang Bidner :austria: (BOB member since 2002-08-30)


Maybe you’re missing some module in the command install that connects to Excel… Maybe bo.rdbms.Microsoft ??? I wish there was more documentation on what the modules do…

Italo Sessegolo (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

The documentation is rather “dry” that’s right :smiley: but I tried
already: ADDLOCAL=bo,bo.AccessPacks,bo.rdbms.ODBC,bo.rdbms.ODBC3,bo.rdbms.ODBC2,bo.rdbms,bo.rdbms.MSAccessODBC,bo.rdbms.Microsoft…
and I could’t find any difference in installed components comparing a setup-installed BO DB-Access… (in BO-programm folder - config & data access…)
But it is still not working …
any other suggestions :confused:

  • cheers… Wobi

Wolfgang Bidner :austria: (BOB member since 2002-08-30)

I tried a silent install with the “Desktop” option ( wrongly documented as Installtype=1) - that should install all enclosed in the license - didn’t change a thing! So my hope to get it to work fades away… :wah:

Yours WOBI from a typical “Novemberday” in the midst of JULY :wah: in Vienna/Austria

Wolfgang Bidner :austria: (BOB member since 2002-08-30)

  1. Update on sunny and hot summerday…

We found that MDAC since version 2.6 does not install needed jet…dlls

There exists also an MSKB to this issue - so that my “oldfashioned” customers NT 4 installation needed to ad these older jet…dlls in order to find back to Excel access…
that’s all…

Merry Summertime from Vienna / Austria



Wolfgang Bidner :austria: (BOB member since 2002-08-30)

This topic is helpful to me in Creating Command Line Install here is working Code developed from post help. :wave:
This Code is specifically for Business Objects FC installation, you may include Designer,Supervisor if you need…

mkdir "c:\Program Files\BO License\"
copy .\BusinessObjects_enterprise_600_8166.signed.key.xml "c:\Program Files\BO License\"
start /wait .\setup.exe /s /v"/qn /L*v C:\bo6_install.log  INSTALLLANG=en,fr,es DEFAULTLANG=en INSTALLTYPE=1 ADDLOCAL=bo,bo.AccessPacks,bo.rdbms.ODBC,bo.rdbms.ODBC3,bo.rdbms.ODBC2,bo.rdbms,bo.rdbms.Microsoft,bo.rdbms.MSSQLServerODBC,bo.rdbms.MSAccessODBC,bo.rdbms.Oracle,bo.rdbms.OracleClient,bo.AdminProducts,bo.vba,bo.vba.common,bo.DesktopProducts,bo.BusinessObjects,bo.BusinessObjectsDoc,bo.3TierBusinessObjects,bo.BusinessObjectsHelp,bo.BusinessObjectsExplorer,bo.BusinessObjectsReporter,predefined.setup.invisible,bo.vba.en LICENSEDIR=c:\PROGRA~1\BOLICE~1\ "

mchoure :india: (BOB member since 2003-09-04)

Hi there all,

This is a very handy thread, the only problem is that I’m using a vbs file not a bat file to run the installation. That way I can use msgbox etc for a prompt.

Here’s the contents of the vbs file (don’t worry, it’s very much a work in progress!):

Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
set oFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
luser = WshNetwork.UserName
strAppCap = "Business Objects Installation Helper"
BOS1 = "\\busobj1\"
BOS4 = "\\busobj4\"

'Copy License file

lSourceFolder = BOS1 + "license"
lTargetFolder = "C:\license"
lFileName = "BusinessObjects_Enterprise_610_subscription_33102[1].signed.key.xml"

'oFileSys.copyfile lSourceFolder + "\" + lFileName, lTargetFolder + "\" + lFileName, OverwriteExisting
'Run setup

sSourceFolder = BOS4 + "BOV6cd"
sInstallProg = "setup.exe"
sMSI = "BusinessObjects.msi"

sCommandLine = sSourceFolder + "\" + sInstallProg
sCommandLine = sCommandLine + " " + Chr(34) + "/s /v /qn LICENSEDIR=" + lTargetFolder + "\ INSTALLLANG=en INSTALLTYPE=1 USERNAME=luser ALLUSERS=1" + Chr(34)

strCopy = sCommandLine

If strCopy <> "" Then
  objIE.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.SetData "text", strCopy
  MsgBox "The command line about to be run is:" + Chr(10) + sCommandLine, 64, strAppCap
End If

oShell.Run sCommandLine

'MsgBox "Once the installation process has completed, click OK in this message to continue.", 64, strAppCap

'Copy Key file

kSourceFolder = BOS1 + "locData"
kTargetFolder = "C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 6\locData"
kFileName = "bomain.key"

'oFileSys.copyfile kSourceFolder + "\" + kFileName, kTargetFolder + "\" + kFileName, OverwriteExisting

'Create DSN to repository
'call "\\os_server\GU-Scripts\CreateDSN.vbs"

'MsgBox "Done and dusted!", 64, strAppCap

and here’s how the variable ‘sCommandLine’ looks when it’s complete:

\\busobj4\BOV6cd\setup.exe "/s /v /qn LICENSEDIR=C:\license\ INSTALLLANG=en INSTALLTYPE=1 USERNAME=luser ALLUSERS=1"

However, when I run the script, I get an error that says that the network path D\ cannot be found. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong, can anyone help me please?

Thanks very much!


foshdafosh :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

Alright, I am trying to run a custom install, installing everything except the Demo’s and Help. Is this possible?

Also, I have a custom License directory, Install Directory, and Username. I tried modifying the script above, but continue to get incorrect command line parameters.

Here is what I thought would work.

setup.exe /s /v" /qn INISTALLTYPE=Custom LICENSEDIR=“f:\bolicense” INSTALLDIR=“f:\apps\BusinessObjects Enterprise 6” USERNAME=“boadmin” ADDLOCAL=bo,bo.AccessPacks,bo.AdminConsole,bo.AdminProducts,bo.Auditor,bo.AuditorDocComponents,bo.AuditorDocExporter,bo.AuditorDocs,bo.AuditorUniverseComponents,bo.AuditorUniverseExporter,bo.AuditorUniverses,bo.AuditorWebPages,bo.BCAConsole,bo.BCAScheduler,bo.BroadcastAgent,bo.BusinessObjectsExplorer,bo.BusinessObjectsReporter,bo.BusinessQuery,bo.BusinessQueryApp,bo.ConfigTool,bo.Designer,bo.DesignerApp,bo.InfoView,bo.InfoViewASPages,bo.InfoViewWSPages,bo.olap,bo.olap.IBMDB2,bo.olap.IBMDB2Driver,bo.rdbms,bo.rdbms.IBMDB2Client,bo.rdbms.Microsoft,bo.rdbms.MSAccessODBC,bo.rdbms.MSSQLServerODBC,bo.rdbms.ODBC,bo.rdbms.ODBC2,bo.rdbms.ODBC3,bo.rdbms.Oracle,bo.rdbms.OracleClient,bo.ServerBackEnd,bo.ServerProducts,bo.Supervisor,bo.SupervisorApp,bo.WebIntelligence,bo.WebIntelligenceExplorer,bo.WebIntelligenceReporter, predefined.setup.indivisible"

I have word wrap on for easy reading, but i turned it off when I run it.

Anyone know of how to install everything except the demos? (And the desktop products since I am only installing the server at this point).

spitfyuh (BOB member since 2005-07-28)

Hi there,

First thing that I notice is that INSTALLTYPE is spelt a bit funny. Don’t know if that will make a difference at all but it might be worth changing.

Secondly, I’ve found that this format:
Isn’t really needed. You can just use this:

Third point is that if you’re trying to install anything for which you don’t have a license in that custom folder of yours, it won’t run the install at all.

Hope these help, they’re just based on my experience. If you want, I’ll give you a copy of the command I ran using VBScript to make the install work.


foshdafosh :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

Alright I fixed my errors, however, it runs now, but while watching the taskmanager, it fires off msiexec, but stops immediately. No error is displayed.

Am I adding too many components? I know that if I run the install with just BO at the end, everything works fine. However when I add all the components I want to install it fails.

spitfyuh (BOB member since 2005-07-28)

How are you sending the command line? Is it using a batch file?

Is there any chance you could copy and paste the command line you’re sending into a post?

Also, how many characters are there in the command line you’re sending?

foshdafosh :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

I was cutting and pasting this into a command line just trying to get it to work.

without spaces it is 977char with spaces 988 char. You might be on to something.

[Moderator Edit: Broke the following up by adding some spaces, so as to allow it to display on multiple lines, rather than one single humongously-wide line:]

setup.exe /s /v" /qn INSTALLTYPE=Custom LICENSEDIR=“f:\bolicense” INSTALLDIR=“f:\apps\BusinessObjects Enterprise 6” USERNAME=“boadmin”
ADDLOCAL=bo,bo.AccessPacks,bo.AdminConsole,bo.AdminProducts,bo.Auditor,bo.AuditorDocComponents,bo.AuditorDocExporter, bo.AuditorDocs,bo.AuditorUniverseComponents,bo.AuditorUniverseExporter,bo.AuditorUniverses,bo.AuditorWebPages, bo.BCAConsole,bo.BCAScheduler,bo.BroadcastAgent,bo.BusinessObjectsExplorer,bo.BusinessObjectsReporter,bo.BusinessQuery,bo.BusinessQueryApp,bo.ConfigTool, bo.Designer,bo.DesignerApp,bo.InfoView,bo.InfoViewASPages,bo.InfoViewWSPages,bo.olap,bo.olap.IBMDB2,bo.olap.IBMDB2Driver,bo.rdbms, bo.rdbms.IBMDB2Client,bo.rdbms.Microsoft,bo.rdbms.MSAccessODBC,bo.rdbms.MSSQLServerODBC, bo.rdbms.ODBC,bo.rdbms.ODBC2,bo.rdbms.ODBC3,bo.rdbms.Oracle,bo.rdbms.OracleClient,bo.ServerBackEnd, bo.ServerProducts,bo.Supervisor,bo.SupervisorApp, bo.WebIntelligence,bo.WebIntelligenceExplorer,bo.WebIntelligenceReporter, predefined.setup.indivisible"

So, my next question is, do I break this up to install pieces at a time? or am I missing the boat completely. I have tried the script from the above example, edited for my installation, and it starts, and BO is in add remove programs, but the install is not complete.

Thanks for the replys.

spitfyuh (BOB member since 2005-07-28)

OK, that’s what I was doing for ages. Turns out there’s a very small character limit on the command line box!!

Is this bit spelt right? ‘predefined.setup.indivisible’

Also, try putting a space before the last " mark.

Would you like me to give you a VBS file you can use to test your command lines?

foshdafosh :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-04)

Yes, your VBScript would be appreciated. you can send it to


spitfyuh (BOB member since 2005-07-28)