CMS system database unx - reports regarding scheduling?

Hi all, nice to be back on BoB, I first joined the old forum in 2002!

I have just downloaded the CMS System Database UNX and the Sample reports. I need a list of all our scheduled reports, the destination and what unx they are based on. The sample report for scheduling doesn’t have the full list of reoccurring schedules (it only shows 7 and we have 800+). Also I could not see what object to use for the destination? I know I can do a Query Builder query for this but then have never been able to easily get the output into a simple plain list in Excel.


Not all information available through Query Builder is exposed in the CMS System Database universe. In some cases, you can modify the universe to expose additional elements, primarily with top level properties. See existing objects in the universe for they syntax for these.

The universe is built based on parent - child relationships. You will have to figure out what those relationships are to effectively pull out information in lower level properties as seen in Query Builder. I personally haven’t had much luck with this.