We are trying to clean the repository.
Is there a way to find which reports and universe have not been used since some time or the usage on each report and universe.
I forgot to mention that we donot have webI/ZABO.
I am talking of removing the documents and universe which have not been used from the repository. These documents and universe were created using full client with BO 5.1.3.
In a normal BO setup document access is not logged anywhere so it is not possible to track document access, even with SDK, as that data does not exist anywhere.
You can track if any changes are made as those are logged in the repo. You could run a query against obj_m_documents and look at m_doc_n_lad and m_doc_n_lat but that would only give you if someone made changes to the doc not if someone accessed it.
Addition: Another thought, a weird way to capture the access would be to put a trigger on the Document table so that you write the doc_id or the doc_name with the time to another table whenever it is accessed! THIS MIGHT KILL YOUR WARRANTY…
If you don’t have Webi / ZABO, then the only way to track universe / document usage is by creating an add-in for the client. Each refresh / open / other activity would have to be logged to a text file or table somewhere. Once that code is in place, you could “audit” your installation.
There are third party products that are available that will allow you to do this without writing your own code.
But since you haven’t had that in place, there’s no way to go back in time and determine what has / has not been used.
I’m afraid you’re on your own at this point… I’ve never actually installed the macro, and it’s not something that was written by an Integra consultant. We’re just hosting / distributing it. You can try contacting the original author (link should be on the site) but it has been a while since I have heard from him. He may or may not still be available.
Best advice is to roll up your sleeves and work your way through the macro code, see if you can understand what is going on.