

I took my training through Base Consulting in Oakland. They give the standard Business Objects designed courses described by the previous messages. I agree that they were ok as an introduction. However by the end of 4 or 5 days of this I wasn’t sure I remembered all the details of what to do. It’s a real simple overview of everything. However, Base offers another class not offered by B/O that is a hands on case study. They give you a scenario and you start from the beginning setting up the repository, designing the universe to meet the case study requirements, including contexts and aliases, design the security and create the required reports. I came back from that class feeling like I actually knew what to do, how to do it and not at all intimidated by the software. Highly recommended. If you want Base’s number, contacts, etc, send me e-mail and I’ll find them for you.

I seem to recall that the cost per day of class was the same as Business Objects. I think they may have other training sites besides Oakland, if it is inconvenient to come all the way up here.

Debbie Kelly
Museum Informatics Project
University of California

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