BusinessObjects Board

Chart display values problem

I have two line charts. I am displaying data in series.

Chart 1’s data is in columns and chart 2’s data is in rows. Other than that, everything is the same for both. Then why does Chart 2 not display all of the values on Y axis and chart 1 does? Please see attached picture to see. Thank you…

NycPriya (BOB member since 2010-11-04)

So what’s wrong… looks good to me! :roll_eyes: Not enough info… Regardless if they are the exact same setting your charted Y values are different

I would check the settings in Behavior - Scale.
Are you using manual Y scale settings?
Is your Y scale set to linear?
Are you using a fixed scale?
How many minor divisions…

play around you’ll get it.

datawizard (BOB member since 2015-01-20)

Sorry for not providing enough info.
i am using auto Y scale settings, it is set to linear, NOT using fixed scale. 2 Minor divisions. Settings are the same for both charts :?

NycPriya (BOB member since 2010-11-04)

okay, so it looks like it doesnt work well when using series and data in rows instead of columns, re worked on the chart and now used columns to display and it works well BUT with rows it does not. :crazy_face:

NycPriya (BOB member since 2010-11-04)

I’ve had similar problems, but never had the time/inclination to dig deeper. I think I’ll just transpose my output…


Debbie :uk: (BOB member since 2005-03-01)