Cells showing Summation values from tables

I need a summary tab from 3 different tabs having one table each with the very same table definition (say A, B and C where A and B are dimensions and C is a measure) but each table having some different filters applied on it. The 3 objects come from a single DP. At the end of the tables i display Sum©. Now in the summary report i want to dispay the 3 values of Sum© in individual cells. Since the tables have filters applied on to them, i could not get the sum© value to get computed properly when placed on individual cells in the summary tab. if i can somehow code the filtering logic into Sum© for each cell i would be able to get the correct value but the Where clause doesnt take anything else other than the “=”

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

dhimanhalder :india: (BOB member since 2004-08-15)

Regarding a work around for the WHERE clause in Business Objects Reporter, please see this Reporter FAQ entry.

Another option would be to create three separate tables on a new tab and apply local table filters accordingly. Format the tables (relative positioning), and they will look like stand alone cells.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Thanks for the prompt reply :slight_smile: However the Where Method wont work for me because the filters need to be applied on objects which are Not Numbers. Regarding your comment “Another option would be to create three separate tables on a new tab and apply local table filters accordingly” - I need the summation at one cell only…wont a table show running columns?

Please help
Thanks again

dhimanhalder :india: (BOB member since 2004-08-15)

If you truly have a measure that you want to display on your summary tab the measure should have a projection set. If you display the measure alone in a table without any other dimensions it should roll up and only display as one row.

Regarding your comments on the WHERE clause and your filters:
You want the filters to be applied to your measure, correct? Then the WHERE clause with the link to the work around should be sufficient.

For example:

VAR Flag defined as:

=If <Dimension 1> = "USA" OR <Dimension 2> <> "BERLIN" THEN 1 Else 0 

VAR Measure with condition defined as:

= <measure> WHERE ( <VAR Flag = 1 )

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Thanks Andreas…I have been able to pull out the WHERE thing properly.

Thanks again,


dhimanhalder :india: (BOB member since 2004-08-15)