Cannot Login in Infoview

once a while we have this problem where user click on the login in button in InfoView but will not get a response (no prompt for username and password). we will then go to the server and run issreset and it will be ok but after a few day we notice the InfoView does not behave properly. so normally we will reboot. at time if you click on the InfoView url, you will not get the InfoView website but no page found. so we wil reboot again…

this problem has being occured lately, what is happenning…

ice (BOB member since 2003-08-13)

It seems to me as some possible mismatch among different software layer.

Check on PAR and be totally adherent to requirements:

  • OS
  • Patches
  • IIS (or whatever web server)
  • WeBI
  • patches

with no other applications installed on the server.


alex :it: (BOB member since 2002-08-23)

With Webi, you have to paye attention to two things :

  1. the http server used by webi (like apache or IISS)
  2. webi process itself

In your case, if you have the infoview homepage ("welcome to infoview… with the login buton), it’s mean that your HTTP server is OK but if you have no reply when clicking on connect, or error msg after a few time, you have trouble with webi process…

My experience with webi Nt is you have to restart webi process very often to avoid such problems (I have set an “at command” which reboot process every morning)

if you don’t see the infoview homepage after the reboot when clicking on url, it’s mean that http server is not yet loaded. Make sure you have started it or make something to automatiquely start it at server boot


bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

thk guys for your tips… really need to get it fix as it is very troublesome…


what is PAR?


we use IIS to run for webi on Win2000. how do i know which webi process is causing the problem…

how can http server not yet loaded while it should be started/ready at all time…

ice (BOB member since 2003-08-13)


to circumvent this Problem we Reboot our
WebI-Server (NT4 SP6a) once a week.


Marc Beyrich :de: (BOB member since 2004-07-21)

PAR : Availability Report : it’s list the compatibilty guide of Bo products (OS, Apps and HTTP server, etc)
You can access it on techsupport site when you have an account

we use IIS to run for webi on Win2000. how do i know which webi process is causing the problem…

the webi process are :


With a freeware like process viewer, you can see it easily.

i hope i haven’t forgotten :wink:

how can http server not yet loaded while it should be started/ready at all >time…

See In the http logs files if you have recurents errors

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)


does it mean by installing the process viewer, i can see those problem webi process as my question was, how i can detect which is the problem webi process…

where can i get http logs files??? (path or address in Window Explorer or …)

thks in advance

ice (BOB member since 2003-08-13)

does it mean by installing the process viewer, i can see those problem >webi process as my question was, how i can detect which is the problem >webi process…

It’s just a little freeware that allow you to see which process are runing with full path (comparing to nt task manager where you have only exe name without path)
this soft is not dedicated to solve webi problem but it should help you locating exactly the process (and not only with webi ;-))

where can i get http logs files??? (path or address in Window Explorer >or …)

depending of you http product. Make a search with *.log on server where the http server is installed.

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

so can i conclude that the better way to solve it is to reboot the server once in a while…?

ice (BOB member since 2003-08-13)

also, what is the name of the log file??

ice (BOB member since 2003-08-13)

Yes, I recommend you to reboot NT services each night for example programming at command

If you are on IIS, i think the logs are located on

c:\winnt\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC3 and named

or search for *.log and modification date during the last date to see the log files lately writen

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

In the past I used to do the same

now I reboot one a month, the weekend before month-end. I was forced to understand how to be up monthly, with 24h users WW


alex :it: (BOB member since 2002-08-23)


how do u program at command?? any example??

ice (BOB member since 2003-08-13)

we have webi hanging issue on our unix server. Any ideas why webi keeps failing? we have to restart webi to login to infoview successfully

webi 2.7.4
os unix sun 2.9
apache webserver 1.3.27


BOGURUG :us: (BOB member since 2003-09-15)

… use always the latest available service pack … this is a must

[Moderator Edit: …uhhhh – you do notice that the last post is from 26-27 months ago, right??? ]

alex :it: (BOB member since 2002-08-23)