Can U Use Another Universe As The Subquery


Ive got a report, I want it to include a subquery but I want to build this subquery from a second universe, is this possible ? When I try and create a subquery it only lets me use the current universe.

If this is not possible, how can I pass the results of a report from one universe as a condition for a report built off another universes ?

Version 5

Fiona :uk: (BOB member since 2002-12-16)


If you are looking at using one column from one query as an in list condition in a second query, you can use VBA. There are a couple examples of that sort of thing here if you search.
Alternatively, I have a simple report that I could email to you.


Not used VBA before :expressionless:

Would it be something I could put in quickly ? Does the VBA get distributed with the report Ive got user who refresh it ?

Thanks for the email offer, but I cant recieve anything where I work from external email addresses and they dont let you access your hotmail or anything :cry:

Fiona :uk: (BOB member since 2002-12-16)

It should be easy enough to use.
Given that you can’t access hotmail or anywhere, are you able to access other sites on the web? I can host it on my freeserve area if you are allowed access to them. Or I can pop it in on a CD when I’m down there at the end of July!

Thanks for the offer :smiley:

In the end I just put some objects in the universe which I can use for the subquery. Wanted to avoid report specific objects in a universe but on this occassion its going to have to do :mrgreen:

Fiona :uk: (BOB member since 2002-12-16)


I posted the VBA code from the document in this topic. It should follow logically and should port easily enough to what you want to do.


Regarding any VBA solution:
Use VBA only if there is no other road to success (harder to maintain, report specific, VBA is not available on WebI servers running on UNIX) - IMHO

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Know also that this is a feature that is built in to version 6. You can base a new query off of the results of a prior query. It’s my favorite new feature, I think. :yesnod:

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

I agree with Andreas and Dave - we’re on 5.1.6 and this is the only report that we have that uses VBA and that’s because one of the providers is a text file and this is the only report that we use the text file for.

It was mine too until I realised that our ‘old croc’ database (8i) only allows up to 1000 rows in the DP being queried. :wah:

Is there a significant increase in this limit with Oracle 9?

norty303 :uk: (BOB member since 2003-03-19)

Oh my god … there is something new in BO6 I actually need then :rotf: :rotf:

Fiona :uk: (BOB member since 2002-12-16)

As an alternative you can link the universes in the Designer. You can place the conditions in the designer. In this way you will need to query only one univ from the reporter.

PBS_rocks (BOB member since 2004-03-17)