Can Enable Range Slider and Ignore Blank Cells work together

Xcelcius Enterprise
Build Number: 12,5,0,1388

I have a column chart where I need to be able to use Ignore Blank Cells and Enable Ranger Slider together. However, if I have Ignore Blank Cells checked (both series and values) and I click on Enable Range Slider, it doesn’t work. If I turn off Ignore Blank Cells the slider starts to work but I also have a huge blank area in the chart. Is there a way to get both of these options to work, such that my blank rows are removed from display and the ranger slider can be used as well?

Thanks for the help.

audpken (BOB member since 2014-11-03)

After having tried multiple things, I found in this case if I turned off both features, saved and exited. Then I reopened, setup the slider, tested, saved and closed again. Re-opened once more and setup the Ignore Blank Cells… and tested. It works now.

audpken (BOB member since 2014-11-03)

Thanks for posting your solution!

Lugh (BOB member since 2009-07-16)